Brot·zeit \ˈbroːt‿ˌtsaıt\

German noun, feminine :
- Literally "bread time"; a meal consisting of sourdough bread, cold cuts, cheese, sausage and raw vegetables
- : a meta project about code, photography and food by Jan Hettenkofer
More than just a meal, Brotzeit is often a community event. Be it as a family dinner, a snack during a long hike or the well deserved break from concentrated work, Brotzeit brings people together to share in the celebration of "simple" ingredients.
It is this appreciation of the minute details found in the seemingly mundane that inspires this publication. As a software engineer, photographer and home cook I love to identify first principles by ways of creative exploration. Through this I aspire to understand the world from the ground up.
About the author
Hi! I'm Jan 👋.
The imaginatively detailed imagery of cinema has captivated me for as long as I can remember. Even more than the stories, real or imagined, the process of transforming ideas into silver screen projections piqued my curiosity.
Scratching this itch eventually led me to a career in software engineering. There, I have had the opportunity to contribute to the maintenance and improvement of deployed products as well as breaking new ground in small-but-driven R&D teams.
I also build image-making and image-processing tools to solve problems I come upon in my personal photography projects.
Touchstone Monitor
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📺 Open Touchstone Monitor
Touchstone Monitor is an experiment trying to create a useable field monitor in a browser. It is best used on a tablet computer in conjunction with a camera connected using a HDMI capture card.